Saturday, November 30, 2013

Confused and lost on the highway of life

Black Friday was yesterday and I had no interest in partaking in the madness. Watching the news had me thinking...why on the day after thanks do people get so greedy and want more...Weren't they just thankful for what they had? But then the shopping craziness is for holiday gifts for others ...right?  Seriously that REALLY inexpensive gift for a loved one worth slugging someone...of even worse. Do perfectly normal people lose all common sense and decorum of decency just because of a sale? I would like to believe that normal, sane people don't go crazy over sales.  Unless the sales bring out those people that have a true violent and selfish streak, that makes more sense to me.

Friday, March 1, 2013

I know i wanted to say something...but now i can't remember

it is have something on my mind and then it just gets lost...makes a wrong turn somewhere in my head.....especially when at the the time i thought it was a brilliant thought....needed to be shared with the world....
sometimes my mind moves faster than my fingers.....the thoughts racing through my head with no where to go. I have considered putting it all down on paper but doesn't it figure never a pencil or paper to be found..
later i will get to it, i think...yeah that will ever happen....

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

So it begins.....

Today feels like a nothing when nothing seems right or seems to go right.....kinda a left day. That is exactly what it is... a left day.  A day that all you wanna be is left alone or left to your own devices....left to do what you want, when you want or left to do what you need to do in a timely fashion.  A left day....everyone needs a left day.